W27: A date with a redhead

Yeah so this week one of the highlights was seeing my favorite redhead. I actually got to have lunch with her too. Yeah, it's Wendy as in Wendy's fast food. I ate lunch there on Wednesday and it was awesome. Slowly making up for the lack of taco bell but still missing my late night runs to go get food. But hey, who needs fast food when you have Jesus. 

We all know Wendy is nowhere to be found in Entre Lagos which means I was out of my sector.  I got to go on an intercambios or exchanges with our Zone leaders. They're just super righteous good missionaries that help all of us scrubs out. I got to go with Elder Sepulvida to Osorno. 

We got to go see a member who doesn't go to church that much and heard a really cool story from him.  He was visiting his son who lives in Utah and was having a really hard time finding a way back to Chile. Eventually he made it to the Atlanta Airport and saw the Partridges (the missionary couple who served in my District in Chiloe) as he was figuring out his way back to Chile. Like bruh if that's not a sign from God I don't know what is. Then he came back to church and I just happened to be on this intercambio on the night that the Elders went to go visit him. So I was able to hear his crazy story and it was just really cool. I did end up losing one of my plaques in the intercambio so that kinda sucks.  

We also had a multi-zone conference this last week. A seventy came to talk to us. In our church we believe we have a living prophet and 12 apostles.  It is actually our prophets 100th birthday today. For his birthday he asked us to reach out to the 1 and turn our hearts outward like the Savior. Pretty much the daily reminder of missionary life. Under the prophet and apostles are the 'Seventy' who live all around the world who help others, the church leaders and missionaries.  It's a big deal and honor when they come to visit and impart wisdom to us missionaries.  We all shine our shoes and iron our shirts.  I learned some good things and got some cool pictures.  I finally know some people other than my zone when I go to conferences. Yay for mission friends. 

We had two new friends come to church which is a big deal in our little branch.  We meet with a family that's not very interested in church but really interested in reading the Book of Mormon and one actually showed up at church.  It is pretty cool to see people try to learn about something new.  A great reminder for me to keep learning. 

Me and Elder Martinez are having fun, working hard and logging a lot of miles in the rain.  Love you all!  Hope you had a great week. Go and find one person in need and make your little part of the world a little better. #99plus1

Love, Elder McMillan 

Me and my companion....




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