

First off you should all join my google photos. Thats where I upload all of the fire flicks. So this week was basically cooked. We had pday on Tuesday instead of Monday because of interviews with President. Thursday night we went to Osorno and spent the night there since we needed to get to Zone conference on Friday in Valdivia. The Elders forgot to pay their electricity bill so we didn't have any power for a few hours. Got up the next morning and Conference was pretty fire just really tiring with a lot of traveling. We didn't get back to our house until 9PM. Good news of the week is that we finally got an Electric Heater so our house isn't super super cold all the time!!! Saw some of the old CCM dawgs. We completed 7 months to the day at the conference. Mission has been like the Truman Show lately. So it can get really easy to lose track of time. Like bruh what do you mean we're already in October? Before I know it Chri

W30: 50mm

Yeah so pretty much another cambio ends this week which means another 6 weeks has passed in the mission. I don't really know where the time has gone. It feels like we always need more time to get everythign done. Kinda crazy how fast time goes in the mission. We are losing a lot of missionaries this transfer so we'll see our fate. Not a lot happened this week. We were in our area for the whole week with no Chilean Holidays so it was just a normal work week. Luckily that means the grocery stores were stocked again. Unlike the States, the essential items are nowhere to be found after a holiday. We did meet some interesting people tho. We met this one lady and she was down to pray with us so we where like "lit, she can feel the spirit and want to learn more," but that's not quite how it went. She prayed for 6 minutes. And she started shouting about halfway through. That was an interesting experience. Then we met a guy who thought that God was like in a t

W29: Chilean Independence Day y Dar Jugo

September 23, 2024 This week we did both the most work and the least work. Since it was Chilean Independence Day on Wednesday, a member invited us to their parent's house. While we normally would say no as we are on the mission grind, we gladly accepted since hanging out with missionaries wasn't a top priority for most Chileans on Independence Day.  They mentioned their parents lived way out in the campo (country) so we were like, "cool lets go!" When you live in Entre Lagos you are an hour from anything (argentina in one direction or missionaries in the other) and so when you say you are going to the campo, you are legit going to the middle of nowhere. To get there we went on the highway for a good 15 min, then a dirt road (ok still cool), then back to pavement for 2 minutes, then 10 minutes on a gravel 2 way road before going back to dirt for 5 min. We were literally in the middle of nowhere. I had so many questions.  Like what happens if someone in their family has

W28: Jazz Sesh

Takin down the sweats. Yeah so this week was straight grind time. It was just puro work. But it was really awesome. To start the week I had an intercambio with Elder Vasquez. He is just starting the mission and is now in his second transfer so he's been a missionary for 2 months. I'm like fr getting so old in the mission now. *Note the delusional sarcasm in that statement because I have 18 months left* but the weeks go really fast now. So I went with Elder Vasquez to his sector. It was like actually in a city. Not in the middle of nowhere boonies. So it was a little weird when he said we arrived at their house and it was a highrise apartment complex. Pretty sure more people live in the apartment complex than the entirety of my town. We did some studying then went out to work. He's a great missionary.  He had to work really hard in a factory to support his family and save up for the mission so he's a little older.  I used to think I worked hard before the mission and the

W27: A date with a redhead

Yeah so this week one of the highlights was seeing my favorite redhead. I actually got to have lunch with her too. Yeah, it's Wendy as in Wendy's fast food. I ate lunch there on Wednesday and it was awesome. Slowly making up for the lack of taco bell but still missing my late night runs to go get food. But hey, who needs fast food when you have Jesus.  We all know Wendy is nowhere to be found in Entre Lagos which means I was out of my sector.  I got to go on an intercambios or exchanges with our Zone leaders. They're just super righteous good missionaries that help all of us scrubs out. I got to go with Elder Sepulvida to Osorno.  We got to go see a member who doesn't go to church that much and heard a really cool story from him.  He was visiting his son who lives in Utah and was having a really hard time finding a way back to Chile. Eventually he made it to the Atlanta Airport and saw the Partridges (the missionary couple who served in my District in Chiloe) as he was

W26: 6 months

Hello everyone!  T his week completes 6 months in the mission. Here are some mission stats....   22 hours traveled on plane 70 hours traveled on bus  500+ hours walking in the rain  20 pounds gained  1 new language learned (kinda)  3/5 rabies shots received  0 hours spent swimming  3 gringo companions 2 native companions   3 cities   1 new instrument started (kinda) That pretty much sums it up. My new companion is from Uruguay so my Spanish will keep getting better as I continue my Spanish speaking streak. Elder Martinez  got transferred here in the middle of the last transfer so we are both relatively new and excited to work.   My life has turned into like 90% Spanish and 10% English talking to my family, running English class and responding to people who want to say hello to an American.  The one English word everyone knows.  When I get bored I try to learn French on duolingo. I don't think I'll actually learn French but might as well try.  Entre Lagos, my new home, is actual

W25: Dog Bites y Cambios

Looking back on the weeks, they are all pretty similar with minor differences. This week's difference was I got bit by a dog.  It's like a right of passage walking the streets of Chile that are infested with stray dogs.  Envision Scott walking members home from church when a huge German Shepard jumped out of the bushes and took a chunk out of my leg.  While thats a good story, the reality is I was knocking some doors with my comp and this tiny little wiener dog snuck up on us (like we didn't even know it was behind us) and bit me in the calf.  I didn't know what happened but suddenly felt a sharp pain in my calf to look down and see a little rat dog and my leg bleeding.  The dog disappeared, we tried to find the owner to no avail and so I got to experience the Chilean Urgent Care to get my 1st of 5 rabies shots.  Let me tell you, the Quellon urgent care is sketch.  It took them too long to figure out I wasn't from Chile and my name was Scott, not Daniel. I needed my