W10: I can't remember what week it is!
Here we are in Castro on an intercambio with the Elders that live in Castro. I bought my red glasses at Mall Chino. Yes, that is what the tienda is called. Mall China which is like the Dollar Store here. I went around for the day with the Elder on the right and the other two live in the same aparment. I explain this in the letter.
I can't really remember the weeks because a lot of the days actually feel the same. We almost do the same things everyday just with different people which is sharing of Jesus Christ and his love. But because Spanish is still a barrier all the people kinda just morph into one person and most of the days just feel like one really long Spanish class. Don't get me wrong. It is a really fun Spanish class but it just feels like its one really long Spanish class with occasional naps from 11pm to 7am. It takes a lot of thinking to communicate.
I had a pretty good week. I was able to go have a little sleep over with Elder Cole on Tuesday. That just means we did exchanges. My companion went back to my house to do baptismal interviews for us and I got to stay with Elder Coles companion (Elder Neilson). I was in Castro for 24 hours which is about 2 hours north from us. He was a pretty cool guy. He inspired me to buy a guitar since he bought one on the mission and has learned. So if anyone knows anything about guitars or has any recommendations and email would be greatly appreciated because I dont have access to google... so i don't really know whats good or bad. Missionaries usually buy guitars from facebook marketplace but I am kind of in the middle of nowhere so it might be harder to find.
Me and Elder Cole knocked some doors in Castro and tried talking to some people in the streets. No one really wanted to talk tho. Then we had a lesson with a member and they where super cool. They where amazed with how tall I was. Kinda weird that I'm borderline a giant here. I pretty much need to duck in all the houses or else I risk hitting my head on anything from clothes lines to doorways. Chile is not built for those above 6ft.
One thing Chile is built for is animal lovers. There are so many dogs everywhere. No one neuters or spays their dogs so they all just reproduce freely. And the males end up being extra aggressive. Some are chill (like the one in the photo) but most are just really annoying and you have to keep your eye on them when you're walking. Also a lot of them have just super matted hair because they Live outside and they most definitely have fleas so I'm not a huge fan.
We had a baptism this week. That was a super cool experience. It is always great seeing others choose to follow Christ. We did have to clean out the fount and that was not fun. There where huge bugs in it. And we had to drain it by hand. So I rolled up my sleeves put on some gloves and got to work. Everyone in the states should be grateful for good fonts and hot water. The water was not warm when we had to do the baptism. My mom said they would baptize in the mediterranean and suggested we use the Mar but she forgot we are in cold weather. It was totally worth it tho. We where able to see a mom and her son choose to follow Christ. It was super cool being able to teach them and then seeing them get baptized.
That's pretty much all that happened this week. Also I bought some fruit today for the first time. My mom was a little frustrated when I told her about my eating habits so now I'm going to eat some apples and bananas 
going to be a healthy missionary from now on. I was fine living off cereal, oatmeal, mate and soda but I guess I should eat more. My cereal (the best here in Chile is called Mono Crests) and my oatmeal are not going to be my only source of food!!!

Thought of the week!!!! As I'm still reading The Biography of President Hinckley I found another really good quote of his that reminded me of today. He lived through WW1 where his brother died and WW2 where he saw many in his friends and community die. Once He became a prominent church leader he visited Israel. He said that as he was crossing from Jerusalem to Bethlehem he saw "Arab soldiers stationed on one side and Jewish guards in the other. Elder Hinkley was reminded of Korea's DMZ and of the Berlin wall most poignantly which serves as a stark reminder that peace would not come to the world until men are willing to accept the Teacher's teachings of the master."
You do not have to accept Christ as your God to appreciate and follow His teachings. His teachings teach peace, hope and love. I know it might be an oversimplification but something that everyone in the world can benefit from, and something that the world desperately needs more of right now. And that is one of the reasons I am on my mission. To share this love and hope with everyone. To share that when we love others and accept others, our world will be happier.
Love you all,
Elder McMillan
1. Chilean Mountains in the distance. It is really beautiful here. You can't describe the sea and mountains.
2-3. A deserted car and dog roaming the streets. This one was nice.
4. Bastian is next to Elder Garlick. He and his mom got baptized. This was him home and we were with his brother and neighbor. They are really sweet kids! It is easier to understand kids and middle aged adults than older people.
5-6. We get fed about 3 times a week by members of our branch. This is one of favorite families to visit. Their son is preparing for a mission and came out with us which was fun. They made a really good dinner and of course we drink mate. Everyone drinks mate here.
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