W17: Another Week Another Dog


Hey y'all hope you guys are doing good. Im chillin down here in Chile. Like Literally chillin....it is getting pretty cold. 

Last week we went to a members house in Castro with our entire zone of 16 missionaries; 8 sisters and 8 elders. They made us a traditional Chilean meal. It was like this pancake potato thing that they cook on a log while spinning over some charcoal. It was good but definitely a little strange. They had a pretty awesome house though! It was like this house built into a hill but the hill was all green with grass and it looked like it was straight out of a movie. Attached are some of the photos I took while there. It is really pretty down here when it is not raining. Also they had sheep in their backyard so I was able to get some pictures with the ovejas (sheep). 

Spanish is starting to get a little bit easier. I don't need to concentrate as much when I am listening in order to understand so I can actually put a little bit of effort into remembering what was said. I used to have to focus so much on what they were saying that I could only really pay attention in the moment. Like I would leave conversations and just have no idea what we talked about for 20 min. But now I can do both so that is kinda nice. I still need to work on future tense and not accidentally saying english words like "so". But other than that my Spanish is doing pretty good. 

This week I also did another intercambio with our zone leaders, Elder Lund. The Zone leaders are the elders on our island that are in charge of us. They make sure we are doing missionary work and not just sight seeing all day or sitting on busses to watch movies. We were able to have a pretty good day out in the rain. We were soaked when we got back. We took a picture of us in our rain gear after being outside for a couple hours. 

Funny story....this week Elder Hollingshead and I were walking back from a lunch with a member and this guy calls out to us from the other side of the street. It's our job to talk to people in the street so we call back to him. He then proceeds to ask us "Son un parte de el illuminati??!!" (Are you guys a part of the illuminati) He then starts making a triangle with his hands. We tell him no that we are missionaries but he doesn't really believe us. He puts up the triangle again and says we are a part of the illuminati. So now apparently people think we are apart of the illuminati? I mean it makes sense. Just two 6 foot something dudes walking down the street in all black in a pretty isolated part of southern Chile. Maybe thats like a protection from being robbed. 

Last week one of our members lost his brother fairly young. We went to his house to try and comfort him and he wasn't really having any of it. I was able to share John 15:33 that says "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

The scripture really seemed to help him. And it's a really fire scripture from John. We were able to tell him about how this life is going to be hard but that it will get better and that we can find comfort that eventually we will be able to move on and see everyone again. It was a pretty cool experience to be able to help someone feel some comfort. It was really sad.  

I leave you with a simple highlight of the week.  I got a new Yerba. Yerba is just the stuff you use to make mate. But I got this new flavor and its pretty good. I now have three flavors and I rotate through them. Mate took some time to grow on me but now I think its the greatest thing ever. Anyway enjoy some photos from the week and ill see you all next week. 


- Elder McMillan 


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