W23: Pajaros

Today for p-day we went to Castro which is like an hour and a half away. Not exactly how I wanted to spend my p-day but our zone organized an olympic activity and my companion wanted to go so off we went.  We didn't get out on time to get the nice luxury bus so we had to take what I call the bum bum bus. It's this really tiny bus that is small even for Chilean people. It's quite a bit worse for someone who is like 6 inches above the national height average. My mood of not wanting to go in the first place didn't get better on the bum bum bus but all is well and the day ended up ok. I got to talk to my parents and siblings which was nice to talk in English.  I finished Saints which was great and now I am listening to it. I made the most of it even though I would have liked to do nothing on p-day.  

And why did I want to do nothing on P-day?  The week was busy and I was so tired. It felt like we were constantly walking around just trying to get the basic logistics and necessities figured out to help our friends get baptized in our branch. In the States (at least areas I have been too) there are a plethora of people who make sure things keep running smoothly to run a congregation. Here in Quellon, we are all working pretty hard just to keep things going but we are trying our best to bring people to Christ and help the branch members come closer to Christ. Two of our friends got baptized and the daughter of one of our recent converts. That was super fire to see people so excited to follow Christ.  One of our friends was from Haiti.  Spanish is also his second or third language behind French and creole.  He is super faithful.  It is really cool to see how faithful people are. 

Because we were so busy running around to do all of the stuff for the baptism not much else really happened. I did see a dead bird getting eaten by other birds. That was a highlight. Also I hit 180lbs today. So the bulk is totally working. I changed my diet to have more protein. Now I eat my 2 potatoes in a hashbrown and I also eat 4 eggs with a good 200g of ground beef. Plusss I make sure to get in a protein shake. I'm like 20lbs heavier than when I entered the mission...I might have to chill out with the food a little bit so I don't come back unable to swim. 

Other than that all is good in Quellon. We are just busy working as hard as we can to the end of the cambio. Love you all and here are some photos. 


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