W24: Grateful for the Gervics

 Yooooooooo....so this week we had interviews with President Gervic. He and his wife (Hermana Gervic) pretty much mean the world to us missionaries here in the Chile Puerto Montt mission. They are kinda like our parents, bosses, and teachers all at the same time, while somehow also being our greatest support and feel like best friends who listen to and help us. They are really awesome people. They are from Chile and President worked for the church before being called as mission presidents.  You serve for 3 years with your spouse and your kids come along if they are young. 

I always knew President Gervic was awesome but didn't fully understand his sense of humor and awesomeness due to my lack of Spanish. Now that my Spanish is decent I can actually have a normal conversation without having to think so much. Once every 6 weeks we get to have interviews with President Gervic where we generally bring questions and he gives us advice. Its super informative and helps a lot and it is always a plus because they buy us lunch afterward. We got subway and it was pretty good. It is no Mendocino Farms but Subway is all that has made it down to the end of the world so far. 

After interviews, one of the hermanas needed keys to open a package, I hand her mine and about an hour later head out to catch my bus.  About 10 minutes away from the bus terminal I realize I don't have my keys but there is no turning back since we needed to catch our bus. We didn't know what to do and my companion had a stroke of genius to give them to our mission president who needed to come to Quellon for meetings the next day with the branch. We decided we would just beg our landlord to let us in hoping she didn't ghost us again like she did when we needed to figure out getting more gas. 

We proceed with the plan and it all ends up working out and President Gervic brings us our keys the next day and he laughed when we told him about what happened. So all is good now in Quellon. 

Work in Quellon is going well. I wear double beanies inside my apartment to stay warm. Its possible I get transferred next week and possible I stay. I will keep you all updated.  

Here's a pic of me and Elder Cok, a pic of an awesome family whose son is leaving for his mission this week....pure awesomeness and my family with the newest McMillan Coco and Bailey right before she left to start that grind at Virginia. Class of 24....good luck at college!  May it be drier than Puerto Montt. No pun intended. 

- Elder McMillan 


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