W30: 50mm

Yeah so pretty much another cambio ends this week which means another 6 weeks has passed in the mission. I don't really know where the time has gone. It feels like we always need more time to get everythign done. Kinda crazy how fast time goes in the mission. We are losing a lot of missionaries this transfer so we'll see our fate. Not a lot happened this week. We were in our area for the whole week with no Chilean Holidays so it was just a normal work week. Luckily that means the grocery stores were stocked again. Unlike the States, the essential items are nowhere to be found after a holiday. We did meet some interesting people tho. We met this one lady and she was down to pray with us so we where like "lit, she can feel the spirit and want to learn more," but that's not quite how it went. She prayed for 6 minutes. And she started shouting about halfway through. That was an interesting experience. Then we met a guy who thought that God was like in a tree. And that if he went and touched the tree he could get closer to God. He didnt think God was an actual person or that he really needed to go to church to get closer to God. He just needed to go to the nearest tree. Some interesting thoughts, but whatever. To each his own. Update on my camera... I brought a pretty nice camera on the mission. Everyone before the mission thought it would get stolen but when I got the the mission everyone was like, "Nah! aint nobody going to mess with you here." Turns out I'm in the most chill part of Chile. Literally and figuratively. My branch president is a professional photographer and he lent me a 50mm 1.8 lens to try out. It takes some pretty good photos. I posted one of the photos as my new Facebook profile so go check it out and let me know what you think. I'm going to try to post on facebook more so send me a Friend request. Met with President Gervic yesterday which we do every 6 weeks. We talked about a bunch of mission stuff that would probably bore the average person but the mission is like a hype unique situation and President always seems to have super fire answers to my questions. I have been thinking a lot about our purpose as a missionary and how to best fulfill that purpose. Deep thoughts here. Afterwards, he bought us Papa Johns pizza for lunch afterwards. Hes a G for real. If you want you can join my Google Photos. Started it a bit late but join and I guess you can see some cool photos every once in a while. Also I found a dog about the size of a tiger this week. But youre going to have to join the google photos in order to see the video... https://photos.app.goo.gl/MeSu7s9Vg6jNCaap9 - Elder McMillan


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