W45: Argentina

Yeah so last week I went to Argentina and it was lowkey wild. Like I never would have expected to be able to do that on my mission. But it was awesome. And now I am going to get a Chilean I.D. that is pretty much get the equivalent of a passport number. The biggest perk is getting discounts at the supermarkets. The whole Argentina trip consistened of 4 flights within a 36 hour period. It was a lot of flying. For our 2 morning flights we were up at 4AM both days so we could make it to the terminal on time. The first flight we had to take from Santiago to Buenos Aires we woke up at 4AM. It kinda sent me into shock and gave me flashbacks to when I had to wake up that early to go and lift. But anyways there was a RedBull in our hotel room so I down that real quick as my companion is getting in the shower. Then to try and wake myself up I start hitting some pushups. #grinddontstop Then I hop in the shower and we are on our way. I wasn't really that hungry because I ate a strip steak from the hotel the night before. But I still ate some fruit and yogurt. I'm feeling pretty good as were going through security and stuff. Let me tell you. Chilean TSA is wayyy different than TSA in the States. They dont have the weird chamber scanner thing that like moves and stuff. Its just a regular metal detector. Then we went to the Buenos Aires Temple which was super cool. We got to talk to a couple other missionarys that where from the Buenos Aires Sur mission. They only have 10 sisters in their mission because it's just too dangerous to have sisters so they have a mission of almost all Elders. That was kinda crazy. We also went to a super market and they had so much Yerba. Like they had all the Yerba you could have ever wanted. I bought some. When we where waiting in the terminal to fly back to chile we decided to try some of this new Yerba Mate we had just bought. So I go to some random store and buy some boiling water for 89 cents. Then we proceed to have the best Mate ever. Like it was so great. We even started sharing with this guy who was sitting next to us on the flight. We started asking him about his life and turns out hes a profesional polo player. Not polo with water, but polo with horses. He had just turned 20 and he was on his way to Australia to play in a 2 month polo tournament. So I learned a bunch about polo, and he was actually a really cool guy. I got his instagram so someday I will be able to reconnect with my Argentine Polo friend. Its pretty awesome getting to know people on the mission I would never have connected with elsewhere. Thats pretty much all the cool things that happened last week.
Love, Elder McMillan


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