W46: Mi bombilla
Not much happened this week. We did a bunch of intercambios with the Elders in our Zone which is always good to better understand others. I lead our sector for 2 days which is fine but takes a little more work.
The obra is going pretty good. Our friend Cecila is going to get baptized this week which is great.
Nothing really that crazy happened. We did almost get stoned by a lady that must have been on drugs. We were knocking a door and this random lady comes walking down the street and just starts yelling at us. Then she starts picking up rocks to throw. So we just turn around and walk the other way. Then we ended up helping a homeless dude fix his shopping cart. All in a days work in our area.
We also found a family from the Dominican Republic!! Shoutout to Elder Brossard, my CCM comp serving there. They were super down to come to all of our activities and we even did a sports night and their son came to play basketball. Low-key felt like prime time Steph Curry for the first time in my life but it was probably just because I was a foot taller than anybody else. They came to church on Sunday so that was pretty cool.
Also I've been looking for a straw for my mate. I've been looking all around. My mom said the internet was sold out and the stores here were all out. I even had missionaries look in Puerto Montt, but no luck. I figured I was looking in the wrong place, so I finally started asking around the whole mission and I finally found one!!! So now I am completing the set of Stanley mate stuff and my birthday dreams will come true.
So that's my spiritual thought of the week....sometimes when you are looking for a solution to a problem and keep doing the same thing you might just need to try something different or try a new approach and find your reward...like a mate straw you really want.
Signing off as an 18 year old. Love you guys! Enjoy the video of me when I broke the Axe of an Elderly member as we were chopping her wood.
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