W47: Cecila

hanks everybody for the birthday wishes! It ended up being a pretty good birthday. I was in an intercambio with the CCM Goat, Elder Thompson. He lived in the same house as me and it was fun to work together. 

We went to his sector which ended up being a pretty good day. He is in one of the best sectors in our area. It was a good change to be out of the sector for a little bit. 

Had to go on my monthly side quest to Pto. Montt It was actually pretty lit because I bought some of my favorite yerba. For anyone wondering the best Yerba is Barbacoa.  It was just a really long day because we ended up spending like 7 hours on a bus for a conference that was only 6 hours long. So it was a lot of bus time jugo but it was pretty good. Got home and was totally dead but it was pretty lit. We had to figure out what we want to talk about at zone conference so we can help out the mission. 

Then the next day we had the baptism of our friend Cecila. She had a bunch of family that are super active members but before it just wasn't her time. It was a great day.  She had a great time and felt really good. We spent the morning cleaning the baptismal font. Spent like 30 minutes trying to figure out how to drain the water. For some reason everyone in Chile made a different design for each font to drain. But yeah thats pretty much what happened. 

Love you all!! 

- Elder McMillan 

Pics of our bishop and his wife, Cecila's baptism and Zone Conference. 


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