W48: Same Area, New Comp

We just got transfer news yesterday. My companion is going down to the end of the world. Our two transfers together were awesome and now he's going to Punta Arenas and is super excited. I'm staying in the mission's smallest sector another cambio!! Let's goooo. It's actually going to be hype. We're going to have another baptism in 2 weeks. And we have other friends who want to keep learning which is awesome. My new comp is coming up from Coyhaique so he won't be here until 9pm tommorrow. It's going to be a lit cambio.  We had someone send us a text message that she wanted to be baptized which doesn't really happen that often...Like ever. So that was something pretty cool that happened. I did an intercambio with a Venezuelan Elder in our zone. We finished the day by making some fire Arepas which is always a great way to end a day.  Today I bought another copy of the card game that me and Elder Benson always play. I'm hoping my new companion wants to play it. Had Zone Conference this week and a big thing we talked about was responsibility. We discussed how we can control how we react to everything. Like how even if bad things happen we can still choose to be positive. So hope you all choose to be positive. President Nelson said, "The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstancs of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives." I see that on the mission. While things and circumstances do make life easier and can add joy like having mate or a warm shower, greater joy and peace often comes from something bigger. Hope you had a great week! Love you all!!  - Elder McMillan


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