

Tomorrow I hit a year on the mission. Lowkey passed by fast but also pretty slow. I've only been in 3 areas, but the work has been pretty good in each one. Mission stats so far... - 3 areas, 3 zones, and 3 houses - 1 language learned - 7 companions - 0 movies watched - 3 countries visited (mexico, chile, and Argentina) Overall it's been a pretty crazy experience. I don't really have to worry about Spanish anymore which is pretty nice. The 4.5 months with Latinos as my comps was great. I'm comfortable taking the bus system, and I dont have the fear of ordering pizza over the phone now. All part of the growing pains of the mission. Speaking of growing pains...Sadly, I do not think i have gotten any taller on the mission. So I might just have to stick to the whole 6 foot 2 for the rest of my life. But still I've only met maybe like 3 Chilenos that are taller than me. I have yet to get robbed because I'm serving in like the most chill mission in all of Lat...

W50: Eddy

Our 3 month break from rain has come to an end this week and I was reunited with my trusty rain jacket. Overall the weather hasn't been too bad. Its just been drizzling a little bit which probably signifies summer is ending. Our friend Eddy got baptized this week!! He is super cool. Moved here 6 months ago from the Dominican Republic. Hes been coming to church alone and brings his family sometimes. He's a Goat. We're going to baptize his sister this Saturday too so that is going to be awesome. We are excited for them and their desire they have to follow the Savior. Eddys stepdad owns a Bakery and always giving us bread, cakes and other stuff. So now we pretty much get free donuts everyday. And they are super good desserts. I've probably gained a couple pounds but its ok because we are lowkey on the morning workout grind. We've been doing a lot of pull ups, dips, and a lot of jump rope. This week we might have to go to Pto. Montt but still not certain. Its goin...

W49: Tongan Feast

Whats poppin. So to explain the title, we had cambios and now I'm with the only Polynesian in the mission. His names Elder Malu and hes lowkey a GOAT. He's going to play football for BYU after the mission. Go Cougs. Speaking of Cougs, congrats to lil bro for becoming the next Cougar in the McMillan casa. The 2 D1 athletes in the mission are bout to go crazy in our workouts. It's a new life goal to get invited to the Tongan Feast when I get back to Provo. I gotta prove that I can put down a respectable amount of food so we'll see. We had an interesting week. I spent the whole day in the bus terminal on Tuesday because I had to wait for missionarys to come and go during transfers. We had some pretty big changes in the Zone and entire mission. Only a few companionships remained the same in the mission. Then I went out with the LZs of the Valdivia zone because Elder Malu wasnt going to get to the terminal until 8pm. So I stayed in the terminal from 9Am-5PM then I we...

W48: Same Area, New Comp

We just got transfer news yesterday. My companion is going down to the end of the world. Our two transfers together were awesome and now he's going to Punta Arenas and is super excited. I'm staying in the mission's smallest sector another cambio!! Let's goooo. It's actually going to be hype. We're going to have another baptism in 2 weeks. And we have other friends who want to keep learning which is awesome. My new comp is coming up from Coyhaique so he won't be here until 9pm tommorrow. It's going to be a lit cambio.  We had someone send us a text message that she wanted to be baptized which doesn't really happen that often...Like ever. So that was something pretty cool that happened. I did an intercambio with a Venezuelan Elder in our zone. We finished the day by making some fire Arepas which is always a great way to end a day.  Today I bought another copy of the card game that me and Elder Benson always play. I'm hoping my new companion w...

W47: Cecila

T hanks everybody for the birthday wishes! It ended up being a pretty good birthday. I was in an intercambio with the CCM Goat, Elder Thompson. He lived in the same house as me and it was fun to work together.  We went to his sector which ended up being a pretty good day. He is in one of the best sectors in our area. It was a good change to be out of the sector for a little bit.  Had to go on my monthly side quest to Pto. Montt It was actually pretty lit because I bought some of my favorite yerba. For anyone wondering the best Yerba is Barbacoa.  It was just a really long day because we ended up spending like 7 hours on a bus for a conference that was only 6 hours long. So it was a lot of bus time jugo but it was pretty good. Got home and was totally dead but it was pretty lit. We had to figure out what we want to talk about at zone conference so we can help out the mission.  Then the next day we had the baptism of our friend Cecila. She had a bunch of family that ar...

W46: Mi bombilla

N ot much happened this week. We did a bunch of intercambios with the Elders in our Zone which is always good to better understand others. I lead our sector for 2 days which is fine but takes a little more work.  The obra is going pretty good. Our friend Cecila is going to get baptized this week which is great. Nothing really that crazy happened. We did almost get stoned by a lady that must have been on drugs. We were knocking a door and this random lady comes walking down the street and just starts yelling at us. Then she starts picking up rocks to throw. So we just turn around and walk the other way.  Then we ended up helping a homeless dude fix his shopping cart. All in a days work in our area.  We also found a family from the Dominican Republic!! Shoutout to Elder Brossard, my CCM comp serving there. They were super down to come to all of our activities and we even did a sports night and their son came to play basketball. Low-key felt like prime time Steph Curry for t...

W45: Argentina

Yeah so last week I went to Argentina and it was lowkey wild. Like I never would have expected to be able to do that on my mission. But it was awesome. And now I am going to get a Chilean I.D. that is pretty much get the equivalent of a passport number. The biggest perk is getting discounts at the supermarkets. The whole Argentina trip consistened of 4 flights within a 36 hour period. It was a lot of flying. For our 2 morning flights we were up at 4AM both days so we could make it to the terminal on time. The first flight we had to take from Santiago to Buenos Aires we woke up at 4AM. It kinda sent me into shock and gave me flashbacks to when I had to wake up that early to go and lift. But anyways there was a RedBull in our hotel room so I down that real quick as my companion is getting in the shower. Then to try and wake myself up I start hitting some pushups. #grinddontstop Then I hop in the shower and we are on our way. I wasn't really that hungry because I ate a strip steak f...