
Showing posts from June, 2024


We had zone conference again which is chill if you live close to Puerto Montt like most missionaries. It was a conference for 3 Zones (see above);  Pto. Montt, Puerto Varas, and Chiloe. Our zone of Chiloe (pic farthest below) is the far zone which means our typical travels on bus to Quellon for the night and then onward to Puerto Montt. We got up on time at  4:45AM to catch our bus for Puerto Montt. The terminal was a nice 40 minute walk away in the rain and succeeded at getting their with 20 minutes to spare.  Then we hopped on our nice double decker bus for our 4.5 hour bus ride to Pto. Montt. Zone conference was fire. I was able to see my dawg Hermana Palmer (see below). She's really the only person I know from the other zones. The rest of my MTC district attend other zone conferences so I just meet all my comps friends.  Afterwards we hopped back on our bus to take another 4.5 hour bus ride to Castro where we stayed at the elders house. We stopped on the way back to buy some ho

W15: Groundhog Days

This week was pretty average. I don't think really anything out of the blue happened. But here is the email none the less.  It is getting really cold down here in Quellon. Like it rains a lot. Its pretty cold too. So most of the days I end up wearing a down Parka from The North Face, Helly Hansen Ski pants, and Water proof hiking boots. Thanks to all my gear I actually stay pretty dry which was nice. An added bonus when I wear all my winter gear is that I look like a giant. The coats make me look like 50lbs heavier, so I like to tell myself that when I wear the coat that no body is going to rob me because I'm too intimidating.  We had the opportunity to teach an english class this week. The english classes are fun to teach and it is a good way to practice my Spanish. We didn't know if anyone was going to come because it was a straight up rain storm outside but 5 people showed up to try and learn english. If only our gospel friends where this motivated to come to church.  On

W14: Chillin In Castro

T his week was a little interesting. Elder Garlick died (dying just means they finish their mission and go home). A little crazy that now my first comp just finished and is now home. But apparently one dying on me wasn't enough because now my second companion is also going to die. This is his last transfer and he will go home in like 5 weeks from now. Apparently I am an assassin.  Because Elder Garlick was going home I spent quite a bit of time in Castro this week waiting for my new companion. Castro is a bigger town about 1.5 hours away from Quellon (where I live and work). We left Quellon Wednesday around 11AM so Elder Garlick could catch his bus from Castro to Puerto Montt at 1. We rode up to Castro, he said his good byes to our amigos, then I was off with our zone leaders for the rest of the day. We didn't do anything super interesting. A lot of contacting their friends and trying to find people to talk to. At night we had a game night at their church and we ended up playin

W13: Bring on Winter

Hellooooo everybody! Above is my trusty zone all living on the Island!  Hows everyone doing today?? I had a pretty crazy week. We got a little bit of a late start on the week because we got a severe weather warning from our Zone Leaders and actually weren't really supposed to leave our house on Tuesday. So we weren't able to find many people to talk to.  But a good thing did come out of Tuesday. We were sitting around trying to find a productive way to use time and we got a message from one of our members saying that we should come to his house because one of our recent converts' sons wanted to get baptized like his family did. This was totally out of the blue because we had been asking him if he wanted to get baptized with his family but he didn't want to. His baptism was on Saturday and really cool to watch and see his desire to follow Christ.  It was a little crazy running around to get the baptism ready but we were able to get it done.  We were knocking on some door