W25: Dog Bites y Cambios

Looking back on the weeks, they are all pretty similar with minor differences. This week's difference was I got bit by a dog. It's like a right of passage walking the streets of Chile that are infested with stray dogs. Envision Scott walking members home from church when a huge German Shepard jumped out of the bushes and took a chunk out of my leg. While thats a good story, the reality is I was knocking some doors with my comp and this tiny little wiener dog snuck up on us (like we didn't even know it was behind us) and bit me in the calf. I didn't know what happened but suddenly felt a sharp pain in my calf to look down and see a little rat dog and my leg bleeding. The dog disappeared, we tried to find the owner to no avail and so I got to experience the Chilean Urgent Care to get my 1st of 5 rabies shots. Let me tell you, the Quellon urgent care is sketch. It took them too long to figure out I wasn't from Chile and my name was Scott, not Danie...